Sunday, 28 October 2012

Selain apply Tabita u know about Beautskin?

Assalamualaikum Suma..kita berblog jap ye..cite cite skit ttg experience Hanie dan potential produk to try..if interested..

So alkisahnya..
sebelum Hanie buat blog beauty nie apa apa pasal cologen semua beli sendiri..
nasib baik Hanie crew so dpt lah beli kat Paris..
Famous brand Roche lah apa lagi..nie ala-ala beli balik Malaysia bawak g klinik terus jab..uols pun mesti ada yg wat cam ni kan...Hihii bayar rm10 untuk jab n cologen tu hrg dlm rm200 dlm da 6 tube..Tu dulu masa flight international ...huhuuu

then Hanie start pakai tabita kan.nmpk perubahan stop kejab benda2 cologen nie..
Tup..tup..ramai lah yg aprouch suruh Cuba barang cologen dia org da dr Bangkok lahh..da dr Philippine lah..mcm-mcm kann..and yg terbaru nie haa
Beautskin...hihii yg nie Hanie sukeee sngt!dah pkai 2bulan..gossip2 kata si ADIRA tu pun pakai beutskin tu satu badan kulit lain jek cerahnye..hehe tak tau betul ke dak la yg dia pakai produk tu..
Ramai yg tegur..nampak beza Nya!!Ya Allah dlm sehari tu duk g flight mmg ramai yg kata "did u do something,Hanie??" Diam je tp dlm hati senyummm...huhuu
nampak beza rupa kalau pakai skincare Tabita ngan tak Pakai ..lps tu duk makan beautskin lg..ohhh tak tahu nak cakap..
Sapa yg kulit mcm dayang senandung and nak try Tabita skincare cepatt lah Oder dgn Hanie yaa..
Terbaru Hanie jual sekali sama nak email Hanie ya!!
Inysyallah nanti ok and meletoppp lah uolss kann..
Kita kene jagalah diri kita kan sbb sekarang umur dah meningkat kena lah Jaga..
maybe to some people muda la apa..tapi sapa tau kann..
Hargai diri anda..dr Sekarang lah kena Jaga..
memanglah skincare membantu luaran..Tapi dalaman pun kena Jaga Sayang ..
Bila dah try Beautskin nie..puas hati ya..Baru berani nak purpose kat uolls..

Beautskin ni 1 box da 60 biji untuk pagi malam and prc menang berpatutuan je..RM240
perbox permnth..murah kan??
Berminat bole email Hanie yaa..mana tau Beautskin ni bole membantu anda menjadi lebih ada keyakinan diri kan
Daaaa ..Ohh Hanie ambil juga kesempatan nak ucapkan to uolls semua..Selamat Aidiladha ya!semoga apa yg di Qurban kan mendapat keberkatan Allah

Luv u guys and wish u good Monday tomorrow.

Thursday, 25 October 2012


PreODER open for delivery date 2nd November 2012





Monday, 22 October 2012


UPDATING READY stock items!!!Siapa cepat dia dapat..First come first Serve.


4 Regular Set - RM 320 each(with postageSet)

8 Exclusive Set - RM 360 each(with postage)

Day Cream 40g - 1 left RM 130 each

Nite Cream 40g - 2 left RM130 each

Serum vit -E -2 left RM

Body Scrub - 2 left RM 110 each

Body & Hand Lotion - 6 left RM 80 each

Place your order HURRY!!!!Fill up the Form and email to me...for special AIDILADHA PRC pls inbox us..

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Have a good weekend sambil berblogging ye hehe


Salam and Hai.. Tabita Lovers and potential lovers hehe heart..sebelum membebel Hanie nak ucap Happy Weekend ye..but routine Tabita tu jangan lupa tau.

Jom baca apa yang Hanie nak membebel hehe..

 Alhamdullilah ,byk yg telah sold out.Hari ni je semua reseller dah dapat barang kan..
We already make the urgent restock.To those yg sudah buat Oder untuk set exclusive,jgn risau ya semua...InshaAllah sebelum 25hb oct nie stock baru masuk :)smile so cepattt buat payment untuk booking goods uolls ya...grab before its gone...beli big volume dapat harga cantik la kan...heheh mcm goreng pisang panas Tabita skincare ni kan...mark your calendar cepat wat preorder skang

My'ieshabeautyblog nya stock selalu sold out ,utk mengelakkan nama anda tercicir dari penghantaran kami harap anda semua dapat isi form yg kat blog tu dan email kat Hanie untuk dapat kan confirmation..Kami amal kan konsep PreODER bukan apa supaya uolls dapat Oder loose items uolls yg dah habis or nak try item lain..

 Ehh apasal ni tiba tiba rasa sayu lahh..Hotfm Hotfm..alahai tgh berblogging ni plak terdengar lagu ni..
Mood:Teman pengganti..nyanyian black feat Malique
Uolls suka tak lagu nie?Rahsia ini..telah lama aku pendamkan..tiba masanya..segala galanya Akan ku cerita kan..

Bait bait lirik Nya..sorry uolls lari sikit dr Tajuk kita yaa..
Tetiba mood feeling ..feeling...hujannn

 Sapa tau kan sbb Tabita Skincare ni la Silaturahim terbina hehe ramaikan sahabat..keikhlasan kan yg penting.

Tak lupa la ,Hanie nak ucap kan terima kasih to my buyer Norafazila Kamaludin..sebab teman Hanie masa teperangkap diantara grill Dan pintu rumah..hihii terlock dr luar nie semua gara2 Tabita Skincare tauu..semuanya untuk uolls sayanggss ia lah balik dr Sydney terus jawab semua email,wassup dlm keadaan masih kepenatan..kebetulan nak bg stock kat Norafazila buka2 pintu terus tutup tanpa kunci dlm tangan..hihiii apa lagi!!ambikk ko..terlock.huhuuu nasib lah Norafazila nie bnyk soalan pasal Tabita klau tidak kesorang lah Hanie sambil tunggu my hubby jd Hero buka pintu..Tq dear,so sweet of u!!

Satu lg terima kasih kat my Reseller aka boleh lah di katakan new fren dari jauh..and the cousin Nya sekali..terima kasih jauh datang rasa keikhlasan disitu..
Sebab Tabita Skincare nie jugak kita dapat Berkenalan sesama kita..semoga perkenalan ini di berkhati Allah..and selamat pulang Raii,hope u have a nice journey back home.

To all my sisters..enjoy ur weekend
Pasti kan wajah anda bersih dr kekotoran..
Dan suci kan diri dr Sebarang BuRUk sangka..



Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Bila lagi nak cuba Tabita?

Salam Semua..tengah wat pe? Ok My'ieshabeautyblog dah update stok Tabita ye..Cepat cepat yg interested tu bole inbox ke pm Hanie sementara stok masih ada..kalau tak tunggu preorder listing date lain lak..


4 Regular Set - RM 320 each(with postageSet)

3 Exclusive Set - RM 360 each(with postage)

Day Cream 40g - 1 left RM 130 each

Nite Cream 40g - 2 left RM130 each

Special cream - 2 left RM 170 each

Serum vit -E -2 left RM 120 each

Facial Soap - 1 left RM 120 each

Body Scrub - 2 left RM 110 each
Body & Hand Lotion - 6 left RM 80 each

Loose Powder - 1 left RM 140 each

Place your order HURRY!!!!Fill up the Form and email to me..

For special AIDILADHA PRICE pls inbox ye..

Chow luv

Friday, 12 October 2012


Salam sisters..Salam Jumaat semua,
Semoga apa yang dilakukan diberkhati ALLAH..

Take note esok last day untuk buat PreODER ya..and semua payment must be make not later than 8 pm.
So pls fill up the Oder form..tq and tq kerana memahami kerana Oder form mmg di perlukan supaya tidak Ada kesilapan Dari pihak kami.

Some info Hanie nak share dgn uolls..Ada yang email Hanie Tanya pasal smooth lotion napa cover botol kadang Ada tinggal stain blackish Hanie da tny supplier kat Indonesia..katanya due to oxidation, the smooth lotion's bottle cover might get a bit blackish sikit.
However, do not be alarmed as this product contains  lauric acid (from coconut) so once opened it might get exposed to the air (oxygen) and so it turns blackish due to oxidation.
Klau uolls guna Tabita skincare mengikut cara yang betul seperti dlm leaflet, ya akan produce a satisfactory result quite fast.

The genuine Tabita do not get your face burn under the sun and do not make your face reddish. So Be Ware!!!

Untuk kita renungkan..

Tahukah anda?..Apabila kita membuang air kecil, badan kita akan menjadi sejuk kerana telah melepaskan haba melalui bahan kumuh. Jika kita men’gencing’ orang lain, maka haba akan terlepas dari badan orang itu lalu kita akan dilempang olehnya..

Daaa..enjoy your sisters..

Monday, 8 October 2012


UPDATING READY stock items!!!Siapa cepat dia dapat..First come first serve basis!!


Regular Set - RM 320 each(with postage)


Exclusive Set - RM 360 each(with postage)

Day Cream 40g - 2 left RM 130 each

Nite Cream 40g - 3 left RM130 each

Facial Soap - 1 left RM 120 each

Body Scrub - 1 left RM 110 each

Body & Hand Lotion - 1 left RM 100 each

Loose Powder - 1 left RM 140 each

Place your order HURRY!!!!Fill up the Form and email to me...for special AIDILADHA PRC pls email us..

Friday, 5 October 2012

Eh awalnye Aidil Adha

Salam mak aii awalnye..hmm ni Hanie nak wat promo promo la ni sapa yg nak ready bersih muka dia sblm Aidil Adha leh usha usha mcm mana nak dptkan barang kat blog ni..
Siapa nak??Limited Stock..

PROMO PRICE: ??? hmm bole inbox hanie la ye..grab fast before its gone huhu ait mcm jual barang kat chowkit lak..ape ape je la kan..

 Exclusive Set tau very the limited.

 All include postage.



Tabita Skin Care, Cosmetic Products specifically for facial care.
Formulated using natural ingredients such as collagen, POWDER pearls, Japanese Tea, Japanese Papaya, Vitamin C and Vitamin E.

Not use hazardous materials such
 as MERCURY and hydroquinon which can cause skin cancer and addiction.

Please note that the characteristics of drug use MERCURY / hydroquinon usually on the use of the face will become red and are prohibited from direct sunlight. But Tabitha is not the case, with natural ingredients are formulated in a professional manner.
All Tabita Skin Care Products are very safe with no side effects and is suitable for all skin types ( Neutral) .

Your face will be shining, white, non-greasy and become tight as a baby' s skin.

With reasonable prices, efficient use, namely a package for the use of 2-3 months, but the results started to show in 3 weeks.
This is the solution for natural beauty! .

1 Package consists of Tabitha
1 Soap Front ( Contains Papaya)
1 Smooth Lotion ( Cleansing)
1 Daily Cream ( Used throughout the day ( morning-afternoon)
1 Night Cream ( Used at night)

Intrested pls email me :

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Announcement..for JB area

Salam to my potential customers area JB tu uols bole beli kat my reseller kat Johor..harga amat la berpatutan heheh kene tanya tuan blog la kan..heheh apa mcm..
Bole p ke link ni untuk ke blog die ye..
ok chow ..luv hanie.


Keep it simple & use your common sense..

Assalamualaikum sisters..
Cerita Pasal Tabita lagi ke??
Balik balik Tabita..xda citer lain ke!!Hihiii..Sorry yaaa..nie mmg blog pasal journey penggunaan Tabita..Share journey kawan2 yang HAPPY dgn product nie..alhamdulillah where is a demand there is a supply kan hehe Hanie supply la Tabita heheh promote la skit..ada permintaan dr merata dah nie..inquiry from Singapore tu leh contact my reseller Raini Anwar for own collection kat JB..kalau nak pos kat uols semua x tau la leh better get them on your own la kan....turun jek jb tu..hehe singapore dah dekat kan..

ok ok mai sambung balik cite sharing sharing journey one of my customer..shukran..tu ha lebih kurang cite Hanie dan yang seangkatan dengannya kan bila guna Tabita ni..gatal, mengelupas, kejong la ..semua experience yg seakan sama..ada customer yg x sgt mengelupas sbb kulit x byk lagi kulit mati kot atau dah lama x buat facial kot..rasanya la..hehe x tau la kan,

Click kat image ni kalau nak besarkan ye..

Sebenar Nya Hanie pun dah penat dah nak menjawap...ya lah xhabiss habis pasal Tabita kan! Skrg nie mmg la mcm pisang goreng lakkk kann..Yess this blog mmg utk hanie "SHARING" about  beauty yg mana hanie tau!!And it works on me..and I cant guarantee that uols will get the same result as mine. Mcm Hanie gak dulu suma tanya usha blog ni usha blog tu..lagipun flight crew ni most of them pakai benda alah ni Hanie dpt tengok la hasilny I cuba la hmm kalau dorang ni bole tabah so why not me kan..cantik punya buat la banyak membaca blog blog pasal tabita ni..this TABITA SKINCARE is a mengelupas nye product dear sisters jadi kenala tabah kalau nak nampak result. For me dan yg lain lain guna kan tu yg dah bertahun tahun they were facing the similar thing mengelupas dan perit..I am no kidding ingat Hanie saja2 nak tulis mengelupas ke..I am giving u some insights la..sbb I'm not just selling Tabita but hppy to share about my journey with uolls.If it works on you like work on me I'm really happy..kalau it does not work on you then move on la skincare lain kan heheh..use our common sense kan tuha beso dah tulis..make it simple kita beli sbb nak cuba betul kalau nak berhenti terpulang la kan..just decide whether u want to use it or not..u ni jenis tabah ke tak.

Here's is my lil advice..klau nak dapat kan info about sesuatu product atau pun nak belajar memasak sekali pun pls get from the right source!!
My husband bila ajar my boys main Golf..he always use this words "KISS" bila marah the Hanie pun Tanya lah apa tu "KISS" ?? He look at my face and SMILE..and said "KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID"!! Word for today is " KISS "..Kepada sesiapa yg nak Pakai Tabita dgn happy hanie welcome uolls to Tabita Wold..and yg tak nak Pakai jgn Pakai..yg penting jgn menyusahkan diri sendiri!!adu-aiiii!!! Tu ha Hanie kene betul betul uols tau product Tabita ni ape..dah terang bagai kata mengelupas la perit skit la..tolong la baca entry entry Hanie yang lama lama dari situ bole dapat info dgn jelas la skit..uols ni pun.

Bnyk soalan kadang xdpt  Hanie nak jawab..seperti soalan2 yg"..tut tut...." !! Wassup non stop..sampai kul 2 3 pagi...klau dah beli and rasa xsesuai,STOP lah..uols punye decision kan nak guna Tabita alahai suma ni for the beginner tu this is something to ponder la kan ..u nak try try Hanie works on me and most of the people  who use Tabita..yg x BERANIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII tu sila la jangan pening pening kan kepala..tak nak kulit cantik sudah..stopla...Hanie nak cantik , I try until done because I use my sense whether to use it or not..mestilah nak maintain apa yg ALLAH pinjam kan..selain dr apa yg patut kita lakukan sebagai Seorang ISLAM.

Satu lagi Question yg Hanie dapat ialah Tabita Skincare ni ada pengesahan KKM tak?jawapan aku : Aku tak TAHU!!AKU tak TAHU!! hehhe manalah Hanie tau..I guna after using my own sense and info I got by searching on the internet. This is a product from Indonesia..tidak dijual mcm kat mall tu. is tough

Anyw nie haaa..
Hanie dpt dr blog to her the pixtures ye..

Hopefully the info yg kat atas ni can answer ur one question from the many questions you have ..

chow..luv Hanie..

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Mark Your calender 13 Oct and 22 Oct hehe

Salam semua..ha tu dia bole call bole pre order skang hehe
Bz ke ..hmm sama la tp blogging tetap gak..Just to inform yang preorder listing is open now deadline is 13 Oct and delivery will be 22 Oct.

Monday, 1 October 2012



UPDATING READY stock items!!!Siapa cepat dia dapat..First come first serve basis!!


Exclusive Set - RM 360 each(with postage)

Regular Set - RM 320 each(with postage)


Day Cream 40g - 1 left RM 130 each
25g - 1 left RM 80 each

Nite Cream 40g - 2 left RM130 each
25g - 1 left RM 80 each

Smooth Lotion(Toner) - 2 left RM110 each

Body Scrub - 3 left RM 110 each

Body & Hand Lotion - 2 left RM 80 each

Acne Cream - 1 left RM120 each

Serum Vitamin E Gold - 1 left RM 160 each

Loose Powder - 2 left RM 120 each

Place your order HURRY!!!!Fill up the Form and email to me...for special prc pls inbox..