Salam Semua..lets share our experience using TABITA skincare product..
For Hanie this is already 2 months Hanie apply Tabita routine..I can see the difference of skin texture..very significant..tapi masih ada lagi skit2 peeling tu..di dagu dan pipi skit tapi x berapa nampak pun peeling tu..mmg puas betul la my kesabaran..nasib baik x berhenti sbb sblm ni x pasti lagi nak mengharungi the uncertainty kan.
Ada satu hamba Allah my customer la kan..thank u for buying Tabita from My'ieshabeautyblog..mengadu kat Hanie..baru pakai seminggu..tapi kulit dia gatal2 skit la ada ruam2 mcm jerawat kecil sngat2 tapi x obvious la..yg kelakornye kegatalan muka nye tu ditahap "gatal gediks"..quote the user. My advise for the user jangan GELABAH ye..bukan ape nothing to worry no dangerous effect ke ape..
Mcm Hanie..pun experience yg sama juga selepas 1 minggu guna..i continue as usual the pun xde org perasan my peelings tu..
So continue la ye..OUR JOURNEY is not DONE YET..u want the maximum result be patient ok.
Bole share je experience tu kat blog bole jadi panduan pada mereka yg interested nak guna Tabita ni.
So for mereka yg interested nak cuba bulan Ramadan ni for getting the result for Eidul Fitri ni
Our offer is still on RM340.00 not inclusive postage ye and get another RM10.00 one-off discount when you sign up as our follower. So uols kene bayar semua RM 330.00 without postage. After 30 July, the price will maintain RM350.00 like before so apa lagi pre order cepat..Stok and Delivery coming in before 30 July ni..
Hanie rasa tak dapat uols harga Tabita Skincare mcm kat sini..mmg berpatutan..Hanie ambil sendiri ye di Indonesia..mmg original ye apa yg Hanie jual kat blog ni.
Luv. Chow dulu Hanie nak ready for work ni.
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