So preorder dah tutup..hrg exclusive back to normal rm360 with postage.Sekrg Hanie tngh prepare untuk postage brg uolls..tracking nbr Hanie akan update on 22nd ya..
Stock Available - 8 Exclusive Set
- 3 Facial Soap
- 3 Smooth Lotion
- 2 Matt Finishing
- 2 Nite Cream
- 1 Acne Cream
Sapa cepatt dia to make order.
Lately nie bnyk lak email yg Hanie dpt dr uolls semua bertanya psl Tabita nie..Ada yg kata after few yrs ia akan merosak kan muka kita..hellooo sisters..klau Akan merosak kan muka tak kan Hanie pkai kottt..SAH SAH pkai product yg sama mcm uolls nie kan..rasanya dah lebih 5 tahun kot Hanie pkai..and Alhamdulillah semua sisters yg dua org tu pun pkai,ohh my mum pun pkai..xkan nak rosak kan muka dia org kott!Jahat Nya...
So..apa yg boleh Hanie ckp..masing2 ada akal fikiran get more infor about the product berfikir dgn waras sebelum beli yaa..jgn dah beli lps tu g baca blog org kondem Tabita lps tu u lakk yg confuse. SMS Hanie bising bising..sorry lah sisters malas nak layan yaa..
Uolls email tny psl product sebagai nak tahu infor..I'm okay,will reply walau pun uolls tak beli dr Hanie Hal!uolls boleh beli dgn sapa2 yg uolls me rezeki di mana mana,tak kisah.
I share n promote da product not because Hanie jual tp good thing about it. It suits me and give good result..I dont know about ur skin but so far alhamdulillah most of Tabita users have better skin from what they have before..terpulang la pada uols..jgn salahkan org lain becoz this is ur decision no one force you to buy and try ok dear suma.
Most importantly I am being frank bukan setakat jual je Tabita ni tapi I dan all my sisters Hanie share my experience to help u think and decide on your own. I'm glad to share with uolls that it is berbaloiii of a coin yg uolls bayar yaa..worth it for me that is for sure.
Chow luv..hehe jgn marah ye
Agree with u. Tabita ni i guna dah 5 bulan very good la sbb tutup my pores and buat muka i tak it. thanks
ReplyDeleteKann sis!bila dah try n dpt result yg best baru tau yaa...mmg tak tukar product lain!!